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The Ranger Team



Student Achievement
Options for kids
Every student belongs

Nov. 5!


Campaign Updates!

Watch the LWV School Candidate Forum!

Rob, Gail, and Jim represent the Ranger Team in a candidate Forum put on by the League of Women Voters. Great discussion of the issues in this election.

Rob talks about his values

LATV asked Rob to give his thoughts on the election and his candidacy. Watch the short video to get to know Rob and his values!

Jim talks about learning

LATV asked Jim to give his thoughts on the election and his candidacy. Watch the short video to get to know Jim and his passion in educating kids!

Gail talks about her experience

LATV asked Gail to give her thoughts on the election and her candidacy. Watch the short video to get to know Gail and her experience advocating for kids!

Let's Keep Moving Our Schools Forward

With decades of combined experience in education and administration, including more than 30 years of work on the Forest Lake School Board, the Ranger Team is committed to continued progress for our students, teachers, and staff.


Give our students the tools they need to do their best

We are 100% committed to providing our students with an education that is both rigorous and relevant. We believe academic achievement should be a top priority at every stage of a student’s life.


Kids thrive when given the right choices for learning

From Spanish immersion, STEM, music, science, ag, and industrial tech to our many AP classes, choices mean that Parents and Students can find what matches their passion. We believe our kids should get an education that fits them.


When a student walks through our doors, they're a Ranger!

Every student comes to school an individual and we believe that our schools need to go above and beyond to ensure that every student feels like they are a part of a safe and welcoming community, ready for learning. 



Julie Corcoran

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Julie Corcoran has lived in the Forest Lake School District for 38 years. Her children attended Forest Lake Elementary, where she started her public service career as a kindergarten helper. Julie has been the treasurer for the FLSB for 15 years; her experience as an Accounting Controller at an accounting firm has helped her to understand the complexities of school district finances, including the multimillion-dollar bond passed in 2015, which paid for the addition of a dedicated science wing and paved the way for the new track and football field.




    Jim Smith is a former teacher and teaching trainer. He taught Social Studies at Centennial Middle School for 16 years, spent another 10 as an assessment coordinator there. After leaving Centennial, he worked for 8 years training teachers in educational assessment development and classroom data to promote learning achievement. Jim’s experience in both the classroom and out makes him exceptionally qualified for a role on the Forest Lake School Board.




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    Rob Rapheal has over 20 years of experience on the Forest Lake School Board. A parent of 2 FL graduates and a current Senior, Rob is proud of the work that has made Forest Lake a leader in academics and options for kids. “Every child that comes through our doors not only deserves the support and tools for academic success, they need classes that match their interests. AP courses, Tech, the Trades, Arts, and Sciences make a real difference for kids." Rob worked together with the community, businesses, and staff to create the District Strategic Plan which has guided the actions of the board. As Board Chair, Rob was also an important part of stabilizing the district finances enabling modernization of all the district buildings and athletic fields.




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    Gail Theisen is running for her 4th term for Forest Lake School Board. She has served in board leadership roles such as vice chair and secretary for multiple years. Gail was on the school board advocating for the “Reimagining Opportunities for Success” when the bond and levy passed in 2018, adding exciting and much needed updates to our facilities and secure entrances at all school buildings, and also restoring the teaching and learning department. Gail is a Director on the MN School Board Association representing the schools in District 6.  In 2024 she was awarded the President’s Award for 300 hours of board growth and development.  Gail is appointed to NE Metro Intermediate District that serves our students in the level 4 setting. She has been the board liaison for the Special Education Parent Advisory which holds events and raised funds for inclusive playground equipment. Gail attends meetings at the Capitol with lawmakers each spring discussing issues facing Forest Lake such as, fair funding formulas and equalization.  Her priority for FLAS is to preserve what is working well and continue the student focused leadership that ensures success for ALL Rangers.  Gail brings proven Leadership to Forest Lake Area Schools!  Visit her FB at Gail Theisen 831 Board

    Prepared and paid for by the: Committee to Reelect Rob Rapheal – 22550 Manning Tr. N. Scandia MN, Gail Theisen 4 School Board Committee 20411 206th Dr. Ct. N. Forest Lake MN, Julie Corcoran – 14915 Anson Street NE Columbus MN, Jim Smith for School Board Campaign Committee, P.O. Box 1161 Forest Lake MN

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